Tips to Get More Value of Your Social Media Participation


To help you lay down tracks for social media success, here’s a list of tips to get more value on your social media participation.

Take a look, ask yourself what tips you can use and start reaping the rewards of real success.

Introduce Yourself

A description of your interest, hobbies, your job, etc.

Create a Squeeze Page

This is a one page website where you offer a quick and short presentation and benefits of your business/program. It’s much better if you offer a valuable free gift in exchange for their name and email address.

Try to Set up a complete profile in all your social networks

You must have a picture of yourself, this add character to your profile and that way people will feel a connection with you, they get and want to know you.

You have to be consistent

People and future partners/customers will see you every day, You need to interact continually that mean “exposure” which is a valuable key for your success.

Be sincere

Building your social network is very important to be personable, try to know your contacts via messages, commenting on posts, pictures, phrases and provide feedback. The more you talk with your connects you will become more familiar to them.

Send a thank you message when someone added you as a contact telling them a little about you, find when their birthday are, and send greetings to them. You should treat your online friends the same you treat your real life friends.

Don’t be a pushy salesperson

Your should participate sharing, asking, answering questions and interacting with people. Spend 80% of your time participating/sharing and 20% of your time promoting your business.

Share Quality Content

Always be sure that you are sharing really “quality content”, before you share something be sure you really want to post his under your name and it’s worthy for the people you are sharing it with. If your material is real good  more people will follow you amd they will be interested in what will be your next post.

Never Spam

Remember nobody like a spammer. Don’t overload people with messages, links and comments. Be reciprocal, treat your connects the same way you will like to be treated. Stick with content that will be worth the time of your friends/connects.

Enjoy your social networking, after all those sites are to make new friends who share your same interests, along the way helping each other, So, interact, make new friends and enjoy the ride.


About the Author

Erving Salgado
I've been making a full time income online for the past few years and I'm here to share with you what I've learned. I'm always learning and I love to help! Feel free to drop me a line and say hi or follow me on Twitter or Google +

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